Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lab Rats - "Memory Wipe" - (Full Episode) - Season 2 Episode 15

Lab Rats Episode 15 : Memory Wipe

Synopsis :

After Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo get caught coming home two hours past curfew, Leo uses Davenport's memory erasing device to wipe Davenport's short term memory but accidentally erases 24 years instead of 24 hours, rendering him a teenager.

To watch the episode, click play below


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lab Rats - Bionic Showdown (Season 2 SPECIAL Episode) EPISODE 14-15

Lab Rats - Bionic Showdown


After Davenport seems to only point out what they do wrong, the Lab Rats begin to get annoyed at Davenport. Meanwhile, Marcus hacks into Eddy and he and his dad, Donald's brother Douglas capture Donald. Marcus and his dad show Donald trapped and try to lure them to their lair. Leo reveals that Marcus is also bionic with all their powers combined, and that he wanted to tell, but Marcus threatened to go to the authorities about Adam, Bree, and Chase. They go to Marcus's secret house in their new mission suits. Adam and Bree are easily defeated by Marcus, but Chase uses a new ability, levitation, to "beat" Marcus. Douglas transports them into Donald's cage, and reveals that he is their father. Douglas used to work with Donald, but got kicked out of the company for evil ideas. Douglas then built Marcus, an android who is dying fast. Leo arrives to rescue the gang with Eddy in watch form in tow, after learning everything along the way with the Lab Rats via video. Marcus comes outside and electrocutes Leo, but Leo survives by wearing a protection vest. Meanwhile, the Lab Rats ask Donald what happened and they manage to deflect the laser beam cage. However, Douglas reveals that he put a triton app on their chips and will control them as soon as he decodes Donald's block. Donald and Douglas fight for the triton app remote, and Donald ends up crushing it. Adam, Bree, and Chase take on Marcus, but equally matched. Leo arrives in the exoskeleton, but Marcus easily defeats him, and just as Marcus is about to finally kill Leo, Adam gets angry and reveals a bionic ability, a bionic energy blast, that knocks out Donald, Douglas, Marcus, and Leo. Douglas escapes, and Donald tries to get them all out. Marcus gets back up, angry, but the lair collapses on him, killing him. Leo, Adam, Bree, Chase, and Donald escape back home, and Marcus' robotic hand rises from the rubble, but effectively shuts down, thus confirming his death. The Lab Rats say that Donald is their real father, and Donald says that he's proud of each and every one of them. When Donald tries to set Eddy's alarm on the house, Leo remembers that he left Eddy in watch form outside Marcus' house. Note: This episode is a special episode because it is 1 hour long.

Watch the episode below.